Run to Feed the Hungry

Idaho Falls, ID

This is the largest holiday benefit race of its kind in Idaho. This year we expect 2000+ runners, joggers, and walkers

When the idea for this race was presented to local runners and businesses, many estimated that between 50 and 75 participants would come out and run on Thanksgiving Day. Indeed, just two days prior to the race, 78 persons had registered. Early on Thanksgiving morning 2005 we came out and marked the course, set out the hot chocolate, and put up our registration table. Then runners and walkers of all shapes and sizes started to arrive. The registration line grew and grew. On that 18 degree autumn morning, over 200 people came out in support of this wonderful community event, and a community tradition was born.

The 2006,7,8,9,10 Run to Feed the Hungry events were the largest holiday benefit races of thier kind in the entire state of Idaho, and generated thousands of dollars for the Idaho Falls Community Food Bank each year. 2011 was a record year with more than 2,000.

This year we anticipate 2,000+ runners, joggers, and walkers to join us in Freeman Park on Thanksgiving Day. Some will complete the walk, others will jog in the 5K race, and some will fly like the wind in the 10K race. Fast or slow, all will be part of something special.

This year we are again encouraging families by offering a special "Family" registration rate and we continue to sign-up groups and organizations of 10 or more, registering them as teams with the option to select a unique shirt color for their participants. The shirts will sport the same event logo and the team will get special recognition at the start of the event. To be a team we must have your shirt color selection and shirt sizes no later than Monday, October 31.

 Please note that there will be race day registration, however there will be an additional $5 fee for late registration and we cannot gaurantee the long sleeve commemorative shirt for those who register after Friday, November 2.

For more information call the Gobbler Line at:

(208) 521.2243.

Happy Holidays!!

Event schedule and times

Deadline for individual registration  Saturday November 22, 2013

NOTE:  Only those who register by Friday, November 8 are gauranteed the long sleeve shirt in the size requested. Late registrations may receive a shirt. There are NO REFUNDS


When & Where

Nov 27, 2013


9:00 PM

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Event Schedule

Idaho Falls, ID

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